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Key Economic Impact Numbers

Avangrid, a national offshore wind leader, is developing the Kitty Hawk Wind project off the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina. The project will provide enough clean, renewable energy to power more than 1 million homes while creating jobs and bringing economic investment to the region. Our recent economic impact study shows that the total economic boost includes….

 -Total economic impact of $4.8 billion in Virginia, of that,  $1.2 billion will be in the City of Virginia Beach alone.

 -$275 million would be paid by Avangrid in property taxes to the city of Virginia Beach over forty years through the development, construction, and operation of the project.

 -Over 12,000 jobs will be created over the project lifespan, with 9,500 of these in Virginia Beach and Hampton Roads.

How can you help?

By filling out your information below, an E-mail will go directly to the Virginia Beach Mayor and City Council members stating the following:

I support the Kitty Hawk Wind project coming to Virginia Beach, along with the tax revenue and jobs that it will bring to our entire area.


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